urgent care center CLEANING SERVICES
commercial cleaning services designed for your urgent care center
CORE Clean's Patient-Centered Cleaning Program addresses the challenging needs of your urgent care center.
It addresses everything from infection prevention to maximizing reimbursement dollars.
We have the experience and industry-leading processes that make sure the job is done right.
Our specialized cleaning program offers a full range of customized services, including:
Disinfection of common touch surfaces, including doorknobs, countertops, exam tables, chairs, etc.
Removal of biohazardous materials, including medical waste and sharp objects
Cleaning and disinfection of medical instruments and equipment
Deep cleaning of restrooms and other common areas
Janitorial Services
Supply reordering and restocking
Specialized cleaning of patient rooms
Contact us for a free quote and find out if we are the right fit for your urgent care center's cleaning needs.